04 May 2010


11.2km - 1:04 (Z1 - Z2)

20 minutes very easy, then 10 minutes fartlek, reast easy. A bit concerned about the sharp pain in my lower (right) back.

First test with new Garmin FR60 which I am planning to use for races. 

Swim: 2300m
600m (2 * 300m normal)

1500m (10 *  25m left arm / 25m right arm / 25m 3 strokes / 75m normal)
100m (2 * 25m arms breast stroke, legs normal)
100m normal

The  severity of my lower back problem has increased quite drastically. Before the swim I couldn't even lift my leg without sharp pain. Swim helped a bit, but not great. Don't think it is macular; it feels more like a trapped nerve.

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