km 1: 5:52
km 2: 5:51
km 3: 5:51
km 4: 5:44
km 5: 5:40 - 0:28:58 (28:58)
km 6: 5:49
km 7: 5:35
km 8: 5:36
km 9: 5:28
km 10: 5:43 - 0:57:11 (28:13)
km 11: 5:33
km 12: 5:43
km 13: 5:47
km 14: 5:33
km 15: 5:50 - 1:25:43 (28:32)
km 16: 5:32
km 17: 5:31
km 18: 5:31
km 19: 5:34
km 20: 5:40 - 1:53:33 (27:50)
km 21: 5:18
HM: 1:59:25
km 22: 5:17
km 23: 5:27
km 24: 5:35
km 25: 5:37 - 2:20:48 (27:15)
km 26: 6:05
km 27: 5:34
km 28: 5:21
km 29: 5:29
km 30: 5:37 - 2:48:56 (28:08)
km 31: 5:32
km 32: 5:34
km 33: 5:32
km 34: 5:33
km 35: 5:37 - 3:16:47 (27:51)
km 36: 6:09
km 37: 5:45
km 38: 5:45
km 39: 5:50
km 40: 5:51 - 3:46:07 (29:20)
km 41: 5:48
km 42: 5:51
It was 19 degrees in the shade - problem was that there was no shade to run in... I drunk well over 2 liters during the race and still got dehydrated.The course was more undulating than anticipated, but all in all a fast and very scenic. Excellent organisation and top water stations.
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1 comment:
hallo alex,
gratulation !! das nennt man perfektes timinig. gute vorbereitung zahlt sich doch aus. was wird das wohl in mannheim bei einem abendlauf imschatten.
liebe grüße
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