| 88.3kg
Body Fat
| 17.2% (LA 17.0 RA 14.8 RL 15.1 LL 15.6, B 18.6)
Total Body Water
| 58.1%
Muscle Mass
| 69.5kg (LA 4.0 RA 4.0 RL 11.5 LL 11.2, B 38.7, 5)
Physique Rating
| 6
Basal Metabolic Rate
| 2123 KJ
Metabolism Age
| 26
Bone Mass
| 3.6kg
Resting Heart Rate
| ??
Today is the start of the 30 week training program for Challenge Roth. Actually, it is 32 weeks, but I added 2 weeks for any planned and unplanned events.
Week 1-10: base training phase
Week 11-20: build phase
Week 21-30: peak phase
During base phase, workouts are roughly:
Mon: rest / gym
Tue: swim + run in Z2
Wed: bike + run in Z2 (brick session)
Thu: swim + bike (>100RPM in Z1)
Fri: gym + run in Z2
Sat: long bike in Z2
Sun: long run in Z1 to Z2
Program starts at 6 hours per week (plus gym) and goes up to 11 hours at week 10. From now on everything is done by time and heart rate instead of distances.