Schönbuchlauf 25km - 2:03:47 [Certificate] [Results]
km 1: 5:19
km 2: 5:37
km 3: 4:46
km 4: 4:33
km 5: 4:42 - 24:57
km 6: 4:43
km 7: 4:48
km 8: 4:53
km 9: 4:54
km 10: 4:54 - 24:12
km 11: 4:49
km 12: 5:08
km 13: 5:08
km 14: 5:06
km 15: 5:27 - 25:38
km 16: 5:43
km 17: 4:45
km 18: 4:58
km 19: 5:11
km 20: 5:15 - 25:52
km 21: 4:26
km 22: 4:25
km 23: 4:42
km 24: 4:40
km 25: 4:32 -22:45
M40: 58 (121)
Total: 233 (655)
It was 5 degrees at the start, so long sleeves and tights it was. Heart rate was quite high at the start which wasn't helped by a hill after 3 minutes. Had a mini AF thereafter and was struggling the next 10km which were all down-hill. As soon as the uphill started, I was fine and overtook half the field. Good time in the end, given the undulating course, the rough ground and the freezing cold. A bit confused about the A, but optimistic about Frankfurt. Tapering time...
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