
Kraichgauman Cross-Duathlon (6 / 20 / 3) - 1:50:06 [Results]

Run 1: 26:42

Bike: 1:06:03
Run 2: 16:01

Male: 53rd out of 62
All: 56th out of 66

This is my first (and most likely last) attempt at cross-duathlon. The first run was as expected, but the bike (MTB) was beyond my skill level. Crashed twice, but decided to finish ignoring knee, hip, should, elbow and hand...

Karlsruhe Half-Marathon

Karlruhe Half-Marathon - 2:01:41 [Results]

10: 57:38
km 20: 57:42

Was pace-making a friend, but we didn't achieve the 2 hour goal. Maybe he shouldn't have drunk a bottle of red wine the night before... ;-)

Duathlon Zofingen

Sprint Duathlon Zofingen (10 / 50 / 5) 2:57:41 [Results] [Certificate]

Run 1 - 46:25,8
T1 - 1:18,4
Bike - 1:40:05,7
T2 - 1:35,0
Run - 27:57,9

AK2M: 31st out of 58
Male: 128th out of 211
Overall: 142th out of 250

My first ever duathlon and I loved every minute of it. Well almost. I heard horrendous stories about the weather, but, apart from the wind, we had perfect conditions: sun and 27 degrees.

The first run was a 2 lap course that started on an uphill stretch, which kept getting significantly steeper after a few minutes. I had no idea about pacing, so took it rather easy. The second lap felt a little faster, but my legs were like jelly when I got into T1. The distance was about 800m short, which suited me quite well...

Transition in a duathlon is straightforward and the first 10k on the bike were ok; just the legs felt a bit dodgy. The first climb wasn't too bad, but I almost got caught out on the descent at over 70km/h. Probably the closest I have come to a crash in a race... The second climb was the toughest, but by then my legs had recovered from the run, so I felt quite strong, even on the 16% uphill part.

When I ran through T2, I realised that my legs were a mess. What followed was a hellish 2.5k uphill (including some walking) and a ferocious 2.5k downhill. More than happy with a sub 3 hour finish!

We then watched the long distance race world championship - now that is serious stuff. This was a great little event - if at all possible I will be entering another Powerman in 2015!